Make Every Day Earth Day!

Make Every Day Earth Day! 

By Mika Pineda, Learning & Engagement Producer for Youth Climate Action.  

Every year on April 22, we celebrate our home, the Earth, and all the wonderful things it provides us – from the food that nourishes our body, the shelter and clothing that keeps us warm, to the air and water that allow us to live and breathe.

An adult and two children working in a garden bed.

Here are just a few ideas that can do at home to celebrate Earth Day, every day:  

  • Change up your commute: consider walking or cycling to your destination.  
  • Lend a helping hand: gather some friends and start a community clean-up in your neighbourhood.  
  • Get gardening: plant a tree or a wildflower garden this Spring to attract pollinators. 
  • Conserve with care: take shorter showers to save water and turn off lights in empty rooms to conserve electricity.  

Celebrating and appreciating the Earth doesn’t have to be a one day event; every little thing you do to help the planet makes a difference!


Get your hands dirty by planting a garden to celebrate Earth Day. © Kampus Production

Still looking for Earth-friendly activities?  

Join us for Earth Days at the Manitoba Museum on April 20 and 21! Play “Planet vs Plastics”, a fun and educational board game led by our Youth Climate Alliance; check out our special planetarium shows: Atlas of a Changing Earth and We Are Guardians; explore the Museum Galleries on an Earth Days scavenger hunt; and stop by the Earth Day reflection Wall to ask yourself: What action will I take to keep our environment healthy?

A seated adult smiles at a child as they engage with a board game propped up on an easel.

Learn how we can protect our Earth together. © Manitoba Museum

Two children placing sticky notes on a blue wall filled with other previously placed notes.

Ask yourself “How do I want to see the future unfold?” at the Earth Day Reflection Wall. © Manitoba Museum

An adult and three children engage with digital exhibit screens on a round table. A mural showing the water system is on the wall behind them.

Find solutions to keep our waterways healthy in the Science Gallery. © Manitoba Museum/Rejean Brandt

Help us celebrate Earth and learn how we can better protect our future, together! 


Did you know that this stone was rubbed smooth by bison?

This stone in the entrance to the Prairies Gallery is more than just a big rock. It represents the bison rubbing stones that are icons of the prairies! In this video, Learning & Engagement Producer Erin shares how bison used these boulders, and how this one arrived in the Prairies Gallery.

Image of bison at rubbing stone ©Craig & Rosemarie Stewart and Fort Whyte Alive. Used with permission.


You can learn more about the process of bringing this bison rubbing stone to the Museum on our blog, here.

All you need to know about watching the solar eclipse!

There’s a solar eclipse that will be visible from Manitoba taking place on Monday, April 8, 2024 and you won’t want to miss it! In this video, Planetarium Astronomer Scott Young tells us the important things to know about eye safety, taking pictures of the eclipse, and the in-person and online viewing parties.

Find more information on our website, here.

The Museum Shop has SOLD OUT of eclipse glasses. You can find alternate ways to view the eclipse safely without glasses on our resource page through the link above.

Winnipeg 150: City of Newcomers

Winnipeg turns 150 this year! Join Dr. Roland Sawatzky in the Winnipeg Gallery to see some of the artifacts newcomers to Canada and Winnipeg brought with them when they arrived here.

This series is ongoing throughout 2024, so keep an eye out for more #Wpg150 videos!

Do you know what’s in a conservator’s toolbox?

The tools that conservators use to fix, repair, and clean objects are pretty unique, in that many of these items come from different professions rather than being made specifically for artifact and specimen conservation. In this video, Senior Conservator Carolyn shows us some of the tools she uses to conserve the Museum Collection!

Click here to learn more about the tools found in a conservator’s toolbox in Carolyn’s blog post.

Did you know about the C. Kelekis Restaurant?

Did you ever grab a meal at the C. Kelekis Restaurant during its time as a Winnipeg staple?

In this video with Collections Technician of Human History, Cortney, check out some Kelekis memorabilia that was donated to the Museum after the restaurant closed.

Don’t miss the Solar Eclipse on April 8!

On Monday, April 8, 2024, viewers across North America will have an amazing opportunity to experience the motions of the solar system in real time! On that afternoon a solar eclipse will be visible across the province and across the continent. Learn more in this video with Planetarium Astronomer Scott Young!

Click here to buy your certified eclipse glasses from the Museum Shop

Find further eclipse viewing details on our website here.

Inside a Conservator’s Toolbox

The tools Conservator’s use to fix, repair, and clean objects in a Museum collection are pretty unique, in that many of these items come from different professions or have been custom-made to suit the job.  During a recent behind-the-scenes tour I was asked about the tools I had laid out in my tray, stuffed into foam to protect the sharp edges, and things that looked a bit like they came from another planet. I thought I would share some of the tools used in the Conservation lab, as a way to spark imagination and inspiration for anyone that has been stuck on a project not knowing what tool could be right for the job!

Two pairs of scissors on a white background with the left scissors having a purple handle and the right scissors having a pink handle.

Can’t touch this …

The first item that I am deeply passionate about are my purple and pink scissors.  Everyone in the lab knows that if you borrow these purple and pink scissors to make sure to return it to the tray immediately, as I am very invested in these little tools! These small delicate scissors, come from the cosmetic industry and are mostly used by estheticians.  Slightly curved, incredibly sharp, and a very fine pointed tip, these scissors work magic for repairing textiles, cutting extremely detailed molds and casts in reproductions, and any other work that needs an accurate slice.


Image of thirteen dental tools laid out evenly in a row. Tools are composed of stainless steel and have various tips on both ends

Say “aaaahhhhhh” …

Dental tools would be the next array of instruments that we use in the Conservation lab. Not only are dental tools good at cleaning your teeth but they are great for cleaning objects!  Caution is used however when we pick-up these strong metal tools, because they can cause damage if used on an improper object.  Dental picks and scrapers are often used on wooden objects, when there is something deep in cracks or crevices that needs to be removed.

Let’s get digital .. digital …

Diving into a different industry that Conservator’s seek tools from, would be the world of circuit boards and computer repair.  The glass bristle brush is about the size of a pen, and has a fibre glass tip that is adjustable in height depending on the work being done.  Archaeological metals, such as brass buttons or thimbles, are where these fine detailed tools work well to burnish or remove corrosion products.  A few cautions are followed when using a glass bristle brush, including wearing a respirator, safety glasses, and protecting the body with a lab coat. The fine glass bristles break off as the tool is brushed back and forth, which is why safety is of utmost importance.

Five glass bristle brush dispensers, from left to right the handles are yellow, black, blue, blue and grey with a white twist bottom used to make the brush larger. On the left of the image are five glass bristle brush replacements with a gold coloured ferrule crimping the bristles together.

Bone folders, micro spatulas, tacking irons, brass rulers, tweezers, and scalpels are a small list of names of other unique tools that we reach for most often.  It’s important that before we perform a conservation treatment on an object in the collection that we ensure the method we choose will be successful, causing no further deterioration then what has already occurred.  This means, we really have to think outside of the box, not rush into a treatment, and make sure we have the right tool (wherever that is found) for the job!

Carolyn Sirett

Carolyn Sirett

Senior Conservator

Carolyn Sirett received her B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Manitoba, Diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria, and Diploma in Collections Conservation and Management…
Meet Carolyn Sirett

It’s Science! Magnetic Ball Wall

Join Science Communicator Adriana in the Science Gallery to check out one of our newest exhibits – the magnetic ball wall! Learn which forces are taught by this fun hands-on exhibit.

Winnipeg 150: Becoming a City

The city of Winnipeg turns 150 this year! Join Curator of History Dr. Roland Sawatzky in the Winnipeg Gallery to learn some of the early history of the city of Winnipeg.

This series is ongoing throughout 2024, so keep an eye out for more #Wpg150 videos!