Posted on: Wednesday January 29, 2025
February is an often-cloudy month in Manitoba, but for those clear nights there are lots of planets to watch, as well as the last chance to spot the winter constellations before they disappear into the longer days of spring.

The Solar System
Mercury passes behind the Sun from our point of view early in the month, an event known as superior conjunction. It re-appears in the evening sky very late in the month on its way to its best showing of 2025 for northern hemisphere viewers in March.
Venus shines at its brightest this month, dominating the southwestern sky after sunset. In a telescope, Venus shows its crescent phase, which shrinks thinner and thinner as it moves between us and the Sun.
Mars is just past its best last month, but is still bright and easy to find in the southeast after sunset. By 10 p.m. local time it is high in the south, and sets in the west after 5 a.m. Mars forms a triangle with the bright stars Castor and Pollux, and you can see the planet’s orbital motion day by day as this triangle shifts.
Jupiter spends the month very close to the V-shaped star cluster known as the Hyades, which marks the face of Taurus the Bull. The bright reddish star Aldebaran makes a nice colour contrast with Jupiter’s clear white light. The group is high in the south as darkness falls, and is visible for several hours past midnight before setting in the west.
Saturn will finally disappear from view at the end of February, dropping lower and lower into the sunset twilight each day. What is the last day you can spot it with the unaided eye? It will depend on your eyesight, how clear your southwestern horizon is, and how clear the sky is. Saturn will swing behind the Sun and re-emerge into the pre-dawn sky in April.
Uranus and Neptune are both too faint to be easily seen with the unaided eye, although Uranus can be glimpsed as a very faint “star” from a very dark location, and both can be seen in binoculars. The trick is to tell which dot is a planet and which is a background star. An online app like Stellarium can help you track down these challenging targets. Uranus is in the evening sky west of Jupiter and the Pleiades, but Neptune is over near Venus and quickly disappears into the twilight.
Of the dwarf planets, only Ceres is ever bright enough to catch in binoculars, and only at the right time. Unfortunately, this month Ceres is setting soon in bright twilight as it passes behind the sun in late March. The other dwarf planets – Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake – require very large telescopes or imaging to spot.
Sky Calendar for 2025
All times are given in Central Standard Time (UTC-6), the local time for Manitoba. However, most of these events are visible across Canada at the same local time without adjusting for time zones.
Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025 (evening): The thin crescent Moon is very close to Venus in the evening sky. Neptune is just below the Moon but invisible without a telescope.
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025 (evening): The First Quarter Moon approaches the Pleaides star cluster as it did last month, but it doesn’t starts covering (or occulting) stars until it has almost set for Manitobans. Observers farthest west will be able to see the Moon successively cover and uncover dozens of stars over the course of an hour.
Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 (evening): The waxing gibbous Moon is above Jupiter, forming a ragged line with the bright star Aldebaran at the bottom.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025 (evening): The waxing gibbous Moon forms a small triangle with Mars and the two bright stars Castor and Pollux. The moon also occulted (eclipsed) Mars just a few hours before rising in Manitoba, similar to the event last month.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025 : Also on this date, Mercury reaches superior conjunction, on the far side (and slightly below) the Sun from our earthly viewpoint.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025: Full Moon
Friday, Feb. 14, 2025: The dwarf planet Ceres passes behind the Sun.
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025: Last Quarter Moon
Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025 (evening): Mercury may become visible in the evening sky beginning on this date. It is *very* low in the southwest after sunset, and sets soon after the Sun. Throughout the rest of February it rises higher and becomes easier to see.
Monday, Feb. 24, 2025: Mercury is beside much fainter Saturn, low in the southwest after sunset. Saturn will likely be invisible without binoculars. Over the next few days Mercury will rise higher while Saturn sinks lower, finally disappearing into the sun’s glare.
Friday, Feb. 27, 2025: New Moon
Saturday, Feb. 28, 2025 (evening): The young crescent Moon joins Mercury, very low in the southwest after sunset. You will need perfectly clear skies and a flat horizon to spot them, and you’ll need to balance the darkening sky against the setting moon. Scan the skies beginning about 6:20 p.m. with binoculars, just above the horizon. This is your best chance this year to spot the thinnest possible crescent Moon.
Northern Lights, Meteors, and other Cool Stuff

Outside of the regular events listed above, there are other things we see in the sky that can’t always be predicted in advance.
Aurora borealis, the northern lights, are becoming a more common sight again as the Sun goes through the maximum of its 11-year cycle of activity. Particles from the Sun interact with the Earth’s magnetic field and the high upper atmosphere to create glowing curtains of light around the north (and south) magnetic poles of the planet. Manitoba is well-positioned relative to the north magnetic pole to see these displays often, but they still can’t be forecast very far in advance. A site like Space Weather can provide updates on solar activity and aurora forecasts for the next 48 hours. The best way to see the aurora is to spend a lot of time out under the stars, so that you are there when they occur.,
Random meteors (also known as falling or shooting stars) occur every clear night at the rate of about 5-10 per hour. Most people don’t see them because of light pollution from cities, or because they don’t watch the sky uninterrupted for an hour straight. They happen so quickly that a single glance down at your phone or exposure to light can make you miss one.
Satellites are becoming extremely common sights in the hours after sunset and before dawn. Appearing as a moving star that takes a few minutes to cross the sky, they appear seemingly out of nowhere. These range from the International Space Station and Chinese space station Tianhe, which have people living on them full-time, to remote sensing and spy satellites, to burnt-out rocket parts and dead satellites. These can be predicted in advance (or identified after the fact) using a site like Heavens Above by selecting your location.