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Help us ignite curiosity, adventure, and discovery.

Support the Manitoba Museum

With your support, we’ll build transformative experiences for all visitors, offering everyone who comes through our doors a sense of belonging.


Help us honour every story

An adult holding a young child as they engage in an exhibit in the Manitoba Museum Science Gallery.


Your donation today will help ensure that the Museum remains a vibrant centre of community connection, learning, and research for generations to come. Thank you for your generous support.

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Tribute Gala

The Annual Tribute Gala honours prominent community members and celebrates a multitude of experiences through our theme of Celebrating Community Voices in support of the Access for All initiative.

Learn more

Alloway Hall set up for Tribute Gala, with dramatic lighting, and people seated at round table. In the front is a stage with a speaker at a podium, and a projector screen either side of the stage.

Manitoba Museum Membership

With a Museum Membership our three core attractions are offered for one affordable price that will provide family getaways for the whole year.


Be a part of something greater

An adult and child race on the Pulley Chairs in the Manitoba Museum Science Gallery.


Your support contributes to the Manitoba Museum’s vision to shape Manitoba’s future by expanding knowledge, sharing stories, and encouraging discovery. Thank you for being a part of this community.

Our Mission