A view of the Nonsuch ketch, a full-sized replica, from a pier-like exhibit space. The ship is dry-docked and you can see the white paint of the hull, as well as the blue stripes and carvings around the portholes along the side. There are two masts with the sails hanging down and the 1668 Red Ensign flag flies off the stern.

Loving Thy Nonsuch – Care of a Beloved Ship

Loving Thy Nonsuch – Care of a Beloved Ship

By Carolyn Sirett, Senior Conservator

In 1973, the Nonsuch replica made its final resting place at the Manitoba Museum where it has become the largest artifact in the Museum’s collection and one of the most beloved. The preservation of this treasured little ship falls onto the shoulders of the Conservation department, whom over the past 50 years have taken great care in ensuring it sticks around for generations to come. So how does a team of trained Conservators look after a ship that has been stored indoors for the last fifty years?

Behind-the-scenes, weekly, monthly, and bi-annual maintenance tasks are completed, ensuring that Nonsuch stays in working condition.  Regular cleaning of woodwork, removal of dust from decks, and polishing of metal components keeps everything in tiptop shape.  Historical changes in footwear have also helped greatly in the preservation of Nonsuch.  There are stories from the early 1970s of Conservators removing studs from high-heeled shoes that would get stuck in the deck seams almost daily. The flat-bottomed footwear of today’s fashion style has been much more sympathetic and favorable to the lasting conditions of the ship.

An individual wearing a flat cap and rubber gloves polishing a brass surface on a large wooden ship.

Assistant Conservator, Loren Rudisuela, polishes the brass on the tiller handle of Nonsuch. ©Manitoba Museum

An open binder with a loose sheet unfolded beside it. Notes about Nonsuch care and the ship.

Log books with maintenance records and drawings from the 1980s are still used today to track and record preservation tasks by the Conservation department. ©Manitoba Museum

Woman wearing a pink harness and holding a paint brush with tar, on the Nonsuch rigging.

Senior Conservator, Carolyn Sirett, climbs the ratlines to apply pine tar to the standing rigging as part of the ship’s maintenance. ©Manitoba Museum

The more challenging jobs are completed above the main decks, in the rigging and sails that soar high above the gallery space.  With a stomach for heights, the ratlines or rope ladders, are used by Conservators to climb up to the various sections and apply pine tar to the standing rigging.  Pine tar, an oily black substance brushed on to the ropes, is what gives the ship and gallery its iconic smell – a smell that has been said to spark memories of first field trips, first dates, and first visits.  Caring for Nonsuch is a passion for the Conservation team, and a longstanding tradition of ship secrets that have been passed down from one Conservator to the next.

Carolyn Sirett

Carolyn Sirett

Senior Conservator

Carolyn Sirett received her B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Manitoba, Diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria, and Diploma in Collections Conservation and Management…
Read more

Do you know how to spot fakes and forgeries?

Join Dr. Amelia Fay in this video in the Hudson’s Bay Company Museum Collection to learn how to spot some common fakes and forgeries that claim to be HBC artifacts.

Check out Dr. Fay’s blog Fakes & Forgeries: Buyer Beware! to learn more and see some photos of fake artifacts people have tried to sell online.

A Story of Three Violins

Did you know that the three violins on display in the Prairies Gallery and the Winnipeg Gallery all have something in common?

Find out what, or who, it is in this video with Dr. Roland Sawatzky, Curator of History!

New Exhibition Shares Stories of Family and Migration as Told Through the Art of Clock-Making

A word graphic featuring a photograph of twelve highly decorative clocks. The clock faces are all decorated in different colours and designs. To the left of the image, text reads, “Keeping Time / The Art and Heritage of Mennonite Clocks / October 2023 – February 2024 / An exhibition developed by Kroeger Clocks Heritage Foundation in partnership with the Mennonite Heritage Village”.

Winnipeg, MB: October 23, 2023 – The Manitoba Museum will be a temporary home to a beautiful and engaging exhibition developed by the Kroeger Clocks Heritage Foundation in partnership with the Mennonite Heritage Village.

Keeping Time: The Art and Heritage of Mennonite Clocks provides an in-depth look into the craft and art of Mennonite clocks made in Europe and transported by immigrants to the Americas over the last two centuries. Beautiful in and of themselves, each clock also has an important story to tell about its owners and their experiences of migration.

“Several clocks featured in this exhibition are on loan from family homes, where their ticking and chiming connects present-day owners to their ancestors. Others are loaned from museum collections, where they are preserved for their cultural value,” says Alexandra Zeitz of the Kroeger Clocks Heritage Foundation, who is herself a descendant of Mennonite clockmakers.

For centuries, Mennonite clockmakers honed their craft to produce iconic clocks that brought beauty and structure into homes and communities. Today these timepieces carry emotional meaning. They survive as cultural representations and witnesses to the social and political upheaval experienced by their makers and owners. These clocks are now found around the world, wherever there is a Mennonite diaspora.

“These clocks were both beautiful and functional, but most importantly, they acted as symbols of family stability. They were taken along during Mennonite migrations to retain and transplant that social continuity,” says Roland Sawatzky, Curator of History at the Manitoba Museum.

This temporary exhibition features 15 Mennonite clocks, made between the late 1700s and early 1900s and transported to Manitoba by Mennonite immigrants over many decades. These beautiful timepieces were made in Mennonite workshops in Ukraine, and represent Mennonite migration stories, mechanical ingenuity, folk art, and family life.

Members of the media are invited to preview the exhibit in
The Manitoba Museum Discovery Room • Thursday, October 26 

Doors Open: 6:30 pm;
Welcome, Speeches & Refreshments: 7:00-7:30 pm;
Exhibit Viewing: 7:30-9:00 pm


Keeping Time: The Art and Heritage of Mennonite Clocks, will open to the public on October 27, 2023 in the Manitoba Museum’s Discovery Room. It will be on display until February 2024.  Exhibit admission is included in General Admission to the Museum Galleries.




Media Contact: 

Brandi Hayberg
Manager of Marketing & Communications

Meet Manitoba’s Bats!

Have you seen any bats lately? As Halloween approaches we start to see bats everywhere, but do you know where Manitoba’s bats are in October?

Find out in this video with Curator of Zoology, Randy Mooi, and learn some of the challenges our local bats are facing.

Even though there may not be any real bats flitting through the air this October, it is the perfect time to visit the Manitoba Museum to find out more about these fascinating flying mammals. Don’t forget to put on your costume and join us for our annual Halloween Takeover – a safe, weatherproof, and fun-filled experience for all ages – October 28 and 29!

How do fires impact archaeology?

As we all know, this year has been a very active wildfire year, which has massive impacts on individuals and communities. How do fires, whether campfires or forest fires, impact the work of archaeologists?

Find out in this video with Curator of Archaeology David Finch.

Go Batty at the Manitoba Museum!

By Dr. Randall Mooi, Curator of Zoology, Manitoba Museum

October is when bats – or their silhouettes, at least – are hard to miss! You’ll likely come across multiple houses this month proudly displaying these winged wonders alongside jack-o-lanterns and witches. However, these fascinating flying mammals won’t be joining in on the fun of trick-or-treating. By the end of September, three of Manitoba’s bat species will have migrated south to find food, whereas the other three will be hibernating locally.

Bats: Small but Mighty

Manitoba’s largest species is the hoary bat with a 40 cm wingspan, though it weighs only about 30 g – less than an AA battery! The smallest species weighs as little as 5 g – just a little more than a quarter. They are all nocturnal and, although they do feed on mosquitoes, usually go for larger prey such as moths and beetles. Bats can be important in controlling agricultural pests, saving billions of dollars in crop damage.

Scary times to be a bat

Because Manitoba’s bats are active at night, most of us are unaware that their numbers have plummeted across North America. Several are endangered, including our own little brown bat and northern long-eared bat. These two hibernating species are susceptible to white-nose syndrome, a fungal infection (likely introduced from Europe) that interrupts hibernation patterns and has decimated bat populations in the east. This fungus now occurs in Manitoba and similar dire outcomes are expected.

Thousands of migrating bats are killed by wind turbines every year. Although renewable energy is an imperative, bats are attracted to wind turbines with murderous results. Because bats migrate on relatively calm nights for short periods in spring and fall, it should be possible to mitigate the effect of wind turbines on bat populations while minimizing economic impacts.

Three bat specimens with their wings extended lying on a dark surface. The top bat is a dark brown, the middle bat a reddish-orange, and the bottom bat a lighters brown with some silver. Identification labels are tied to a foot of each.

Manitoba’s three bat species that migrate. Museum specimens of, from top to bottom, a silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans), eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis), and hoary bat (L. cinereus).

Close-up up of a silver-haired bat specimen curled up in a collection storage container.

A silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) that made a short stop on the wall of the Manitoba Museum during spring migration from the southern United States to our boreal forest.

Looking up in the Manitoba Musuem bat cave where dozens of bat specimens cling to the cave roof.

In the Parklands Gallery, you can use a flashlight to see hibernating little brown bats in a cave diorama based on similar caves in the Interlake Region. How many bats are in our cave? Why don’t you come for a visit and count them for yourself!

Wing it with us this fall!

Even though there may not be any real bats flitting through the air this October, it is the perfect time to visit the Manitoba Museum to find out more about these fascinating flying mammals. Take a walk through the Parklands Gallery and into a replica “Bat Cave” to see how these nocturnal animals live, and make other cool discoveries underground. And don’t forget to put on your costume and join us for our annual Halloween Takeover – a safe, weatherproof, and fun-filled experience for all ages – October 28 and 29!

Dr. Randall Mooi

Dr. Randall Mooi

Curator of Zoology

Dr. Mooi received his Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Toronto working on the evolutionary history of coral reef fishes. Following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Division of Fishes of the Smithsonian Institution…
Meet Dr. Randall Mooi

How eclipses work and how to see one!

Next Saturday, on October 14, a solar eclipse will be visible from Manitoba. But how do eclipses work and what is the best (safe) way to view one? Learn more in this video with Planetarium Astronomer Scott Young.

Join the Planetarium for a Solar Eclipse Viewing Party at Assiniboine Park!

Winnipeg, Manitoba: October 6, 2023 – On Saturday, October 14, the worlds will align as the Moon will pass in front of the Sun as seen from the Earth, creating a solar eclipse viewable from our province.

In light of this solar phenomenon, the Manitoba Museum’s Planetarium is joining forces with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada – Winnipeg Centre and the Assiniboine Park Conservancy to host a free solar eclipse viewing party from 10am to 1pm in the Kitchen Garden at The Leaf in Assiniboine Park. Special solar telescopes will be accessible to provide safe views of the eclipse for attendees.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with other nature-based community organizations to create a fun opportunity for people to witness this solar spectacle,” said Jody Watson, Senior Director of Programming & Education, Assiniboine Park Conservancy. “The Park is a place where people can learn about the world around us, from the grass below to the skies above!”

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun and casts its shadow onto the Earth. The October 14 eclipse will occur when the Moon is near its farthest point from Earth, and so the Moon appears slightly smaller than the Sun. For viewers on the center line of the eclipse, the Moon will cross the center of the Sun but won’t quite cover it, leaving a thin ring of bright sunlight visible: an annular or “ring of fire” eclipse. Viewers on either side of the center line will see a partial eclipse. From southern Manitoba, the Moon will cover about half of the Sun’s diameter at maximum (less for those farther north or east).

Formal headshot of Scott Young smiling at the camera.“Eclipses are fascinating to watch, and they also show us that we know what we’re talking about in terms of how the solar system works. Astronomers can predict when and where an eclipse will occur down to the second, and if we didn’t have a good understanding of the mechanics, we wouldn’t be able to do that,” says Scott Young, Planetarium Astronomer at The Manitoba Museum.

The eclipse will begin at 10:28 a.m. CDT for Winnipeg when the Moon first begins to cover the sun (moving in from the bottom right). Over the next two-and-a-half hours the Moon will move across the Sun from right to left. Maximum eclipse occurs at 11:42 a.m. CDT, and the eclipse ends at 1:00 p.m. CDT.

“I love watching eclipses, whether it’s a partial one like this one, or the total solar eclipse that came through Winnipeg in 1979,” says Young. “Seeing that eclipse as a child made me decide I wanted to be an astronomer, at age 9, and set the course for my career. The sky is inspiring and amazing, and people should take every chance they have to explore it. You never know where it might take you.”


The Sun is always too bright to look at with unprotected eyes – special solar filters are required. Regular sunglasses or other homebuilt options are not enough – a specialized filter material is required.

“When watching an eclipse, safety is important,” says Young. “You can’t just use sunglasses or order some cheap filters online from an unknown source – there are a lot of unsafe fakes out there. Purchase new eclipse glasses from a reputable source, don’t try to save pennies and put your eyesight at risk for life.”

Certified safe solar eclipse glasses can be purchased for $3 at the Manitoba Museum’s reception desk 10 am to 4 pm, Tuesday to Sunday, leading up to eclipse day. Limited numbers *may* be available at the eclipse viewing party.


Media Inquiries:
Scott Young
Planetarium Astronomer

Simple machines: Pulley Chairs!

How do pulleys work? Join Adriana in the Science Gallery to learn about these simple machines exhibited in the pulley chairs!

Which chair would you choose to race in?