A person wearing a bright orange jacket and black toque bends over to examine a piece of stone they've picked up off the stony ground where they stand.

Finding the Impossible, Part 1: Getting There

Finding the Impossible, Part 1: Getting There

Image above: In late autumn, the search for fossils in the Grand Rapids Uplands can be cold yet rewarding. Dave Rudkin of the Royal Ontario Museum visits a collecting site on a cold October morning.


Blog by Dr. Graham Young, past Curator of Palaeontology & Geology


This year, our Museum foyer has featured an exhibit of unusual fossils in the New Acquisitions Case. This exhibit, Finding the Impossible: Unique Tropical Fossils from William Lake, Manitoba, included a video “slide show” that documented the expeditions during which we collected these fossils. My colleague remarked to me the other day that this slide show should be shared widely using the Museum blog; this post, and some subsequent ones, will do just that!

A Museum display case from the side, with the contents obscured by the angle. A label panel is on the wall next to the case.

A closer look at the contents of the display case in the previous picture. Eight fossil specimens with label copy providing more information about them. One smaller piece has a magnifying glass set up in front of it.

The exhibit panel’s text gives a brief outline of the project:

How does an animal become a fossil? How is a fossil jellyfish even possible? Only bones, teeth and shells are commonly fossilized, while soft tissues rot or are eaten by scavengers. Jellyfish and other soft tissue fossils are not quite impossible, but they are very rare, preserved only in unusual environments.

The fossils at William Lake are 445 million years old, dating from the Ordovician Period of geological time. They represent creatures that lived along a tropical shore when Manitoba straddled the equator. The remarkable preservation resulted from low oxygen and high salt levels in lagoons.

These specimens were collected by a Manitoba Museum research team, collaborating with scientists from the Royal Ontario Museum and University of Saskatchewan, and students from the University of Manitoba. During fieldwork in central Manitoba in 2000, we discovered the first of these soft-tissue fossils. Through hard on-the-ground work, we located the site. We travelled there numerous times, excavating thin dolostone (limestone) layers to extract the specimens displayed here.


The first part of the accompanying slide show provided some background on Manitoba limestones, and shared the experience of travel to the Grand Rapids Uplands of northern Manitoba. I hope you will enjoy these images.

Looking towards the Rotunda in the Manitoba Legislative Building. A large foyer space with a fenced empty circling in the middle, looking down tot he floor below. Tall Tydall Stone walls with pillars encircle the space, with three arched doorways in frame.

Manitoba is famous for its Ordovician-age limestones (shown here in the Manitoba Legislative Building) …

Two photos side-by-side. On the left is a picture of an exterior stone wall and a sidewalk. On the sidewalk "Note the fossils" is written in chalk, below a portion of the wall with a fossil in it. On the right is a close up of a fossil embedded in stone.

… such as the fossil-rich Tyndall Stone. The fossil on the right is the receptaculitid Fisherites. This is a member of an extinct group of organisms; it is commonly called a “sunflower coral”, but was most likely a green alga (“seaweed”).

View into a Museum diorama. Seafloor scene showing various corals, sponges, seaweeds, and sea creatures.

These limestones formed on a tropical seafloor about 450 million years ago (this is the Ordovician seafloor diorama in our Earth History Gallery).

Looking out over a large body of water from the shoreline.

To go from this seafloor to the shore (photo: Graham Young) …

Two adults loading luggage and supplies into the back of a vehicle parked outside of the Museum.

… we must pack our gear (photo: David Rudkin) …

Photo taken from inside a car looking at the driver and a passenger in the back.

… and travel north (photo: Michael Cuggy) …

Photograph looking out over a body of water towards the far shore, where there is a house and outbuildings. On the water a small motorboat passes a group of swimming pelicans.

… to the Grand Rapids area.

The exterior of a single-storey motels with several vehicles parked in front. Early morning light, with snow falling.

Morning weather can be varied …

Photograph from inside a vehicle looking down a longer stretch of two-way road, with conifer trees across the ditch on either side.

… as we get on the road, northward again …

A map of Manitoba (green) showing an area of Ordovician bedrock (beige) and the location of William Lake (about centre of the province).

… toward William Lake, in the middle of Manitoba.

Photograph from inside a vehicel looking down a long stretch of two-way road. Tree along the left side of the road are bathed in evening sunlight under a blue sky,

The beautiful wilderness of the Grand Rapids Uplands …

A black-feathered bird picking something up with its beak from the gravelly ground.

… is home to a great variety of animals …

A collage of four picture of flowers. Top left: close up on small purple flowers with orange-yellow centre. Top right: yellow iris-like plant with a large lower petal with a "pocket". Bottom right: A low-growing plant with small purple flowers. Bottom left: A low-growing plant with clusters of tubular yellow flowers.

… and plants (upper left photo: Michael Cuggy).

Hydro towers and lines follow along the side of a road, as a flock of Canada Geese flies across the frame.

Hydro lines span the landscape.

Looking down a stretch of two=way road, lined with stone shoulders and banks leading up to treed areas.

Limestone bedrock is very close to the land surface.

Flat stretch of land with sparse vegetation growing through the rocky ground.

This limestone is home to many fossils.

To be continued . . . next time I will talk about the fossil collecting process, with many graphic images of dusty and hot, or cold and wet paleontologists!