Did you know that turkey vultures can find their food by smell?

Did you know that turkey vultures can find their food by smell?

This might seem unsurprising given that turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) feed almost exclusively on carrion, the decaying flesh of dead animals that can be pretty smelly – even to humans – but it has long been thought that birds have almost no sense of smell. 
However, scientists have recently shown that turkey vultures have a well-developed sense of smell and can use it to detect freshly dead animals that are hidden from sight in forests, in old buildings, or under debris even while the vultures soar high in the air. Although their bright red, naked heads might keep them from winning a beauty pageant, the turkey vulture plays a critical role in cleaning up dead animals and keeping diseases in check.

Two turkey vulture specimens from below. Posed mid-flight, hanging from a ceiling in the Museum Galleries.

You can see a pair of these impressive birds soaring overhead in the new Prairies Gallery, along with a wide diversity of other grassland wildlife.

Did you know the science of our race track?

Will you be watching the F1 race this weekend? Did you know that you can try racing your own race car at our race track in the Science Gallery?

Learn about the science of our race track with Adriana in this video.

Did you know that fungi are a crucial part of nature’s recycling crew?

#DidYouKnow that fungi are a crucial part of nature’s recycling crew? Learn more about the fabulous fungi in Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson’s favourite diorama, the Decomposer Diorama.

Find out more about the fungus among us in Dr. Bizecki-Robson’s blog, The Fungus Among Us.

Did you know about our Nautical Balcony?

Did you know about this great view of the Nonsuch from the Nautical Balcony? Learn how to get to this spot in the Nonsuch Gallery with Corinne from our Learning and Engagement team! 

Investigate Aquatic Animals

For the month leading up to Earth Day, the Manitoba Museum is celebrating water and aquatic life. In the Learning and Engagement department, Erin Buelow has worked with curators and collections specialists to bring seldom-seen specimens to the public. These preserved animals from the museum’s natural history collection come from Manitoba and beyond, including an Australian duck-billed platypus.

The diversity of aquatic life is astounding, but it can be just as interesting to notice the adaptations that animals living in water share in common.

In a few species of aquatic animals, single fathers care for their young. The giant water bug, who you can find in Manitoba, shares this trait with the seahorse. After mating, a female giant water bug lays up to 150 eggs on the back of the male! He will tend to them for a couple weeks until they hatch. These underwater dads stay close to the water’s surface to make sure their young get enough oxygen. Similarly, the male seahorse carries fertilised eggs in a special brood pouch on the front of his body.

For semi-aquatic mammals like the beaver, ringed seal, polar bear, and platypus, fur can be nearly waterproof! When submerged, their outer layer of fur, the guard hairs, form a shield to keep the animal dry and reasonably warm. Beavers spend hours a day grooming to stay waterproof, using an oily liquid that they naturally secrete from a gland near their tail.

A platypus specimen posted on a rock-like base. A furry, brown creature, with an extended, rounded, flat beak.

This Australian duck-billed platypus has special sensors to help locate prey underwater. © Manitoba Museum

The top portion of a sawfish rostrum. The blade-like snout has ridged “teeth” along the edges.

It’s easy to see why the name “Sawfish” was chosen for this unique creature. © Manitoba Museum

A beaver specimen posed on a cut of a log. Laid out in front of it is a section of long white fur (polar bear). To the right is a section of short, smooth, grey-brown fur (ringed seal).

Beavers, polar bears, and ringed seals all have specialized fur that help keep them warm in their aquatic environments. © Manitoba Museum

Two aquatic animals known for their bizarre appearance are the duck-billed platypus and the sawfish, each notable for a distinctive looking snout. The long rostrum on a sawfish has what appear to be jagged teeth along its sides. These “teeth” are actually modified scales that they use to attack prey and dig through the sediment. These animals have something else in common: special sensors in their bills to detect tiny electrical currents coming from their prey! This is especially important for the platypus, whose eyes and ears pinch shut underwater.

You can learn about these amazing aquatic creatures and many more at the Manitoba Museum this April! Every Saturday and Sunday, from 1 pm to 4 pm, leading up to Earth Days @ the Manitoba Museum, you can see and touch a diverse array of shells, bones, furs, and fossils as you discover the amazing adaptations that help these animals live and thrive in lakes, ponds, rivers, and oceans throughout the world.

Did you know that most of our collection isn’t on display?

Did you know that only about 5% of our museum collection is on exhibit? Find out the importance of the other 95% in this video with Dr. Randy Mooi, our Curator of Zoology.

You can learn more in Dr. Mooi’s recent blog, A Bird in the Hand.

The Fungus Among Us 

Fungi grow just about everywhere and yet we are usually ignorant of their presence until they produce mushrooms in our lawns or mold on the food in our fridge. Although they are common components of ecosystems (and, disconcertingly, our fridges!), and essential for nutrient recycling, we actually know very little about them. 

Close view into the Museum’s Decomposer Diorama where two ravens scavenge among mosses, tree stumps, leaves, and mushrooms.

You can see many species of wild mushrooms and fungal hyphae in the Manitoba Museum’s spectacular “Decomposer Diorama”.

© Manitoba Museum 

What are fungi?

A long time ago, fungi were considered plants because they don’t move like animals do. But fungi are actually a completely unique group of organisms. Unlike plants, they cannot produce sugar via photosynthesis. They also have cell walls made of chitin not cellulose, like plants do. Chitin is actually the same material found in insect exoskeletons. Thus, fungi are actually more closely related to animals than plants. However, unlike animals, they obtain nutrition by absorbing, not ingesting, food. Animals put food into their bodies but fungi put their bodies into food! 

A round white mushroom on the ground surrounded by mostly yellow-brown grass.

Giant Western Puffball (Calvatia booniana) is a common fungus that erupts from nutrient-rich grasslands before cracking open and releasing billions of spores.

© Manitoba Museum 

Where fungi are found?

Fungi spend most of their lives being inconspicuous, but in reality, they are all around you. Many people know that fungal “roots” called hyphae, occur in the soil, but they are also found in places you might not expect. Fungi can be found in both fresh and saltwater environments. They also live on the outsides and insides of both plants and animals. Scientists have found at least several hundred fungal species living inside human guts, where they help us digest our food. As well, microscopic fungal spores float in the air all around us. Scientists estimate that there are 1,000 to 10,000 fungal spores in every cubic meter of air. Some fungi (e.g. lichens) have even found a way to live inside rocks! 

Four CD-ROM cases each containing a sheet with a rounded fungi spore print on it, and a label on the outside of the case.

The Museum’s Curator of Botany makes spore prints of fungus she collects to help with identification. From left to right, top to bottom Cortinarius sp. MY-238, Amanita sp. MY-457, Amanita porphyria? MY-233, Cortinarius sp. MY 456

© Manitoba Museum 

What do fungi eat?

Most fungi are saprophytes, which means they digest dead plants and animals. By doing so, they release the nutrients back into the ecosystem for other plants and animals to use. They are part of nature’s recycling crew. However, some fungi also poison or trap microbes like nematodes (tiny worms) to get protein, so they are at least partly carnivorous. 

A flat, half-circle white mushroom cap attached on a tree trunk near the ground.

Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) will poison and eat nematodes (tiny worms) when they run out of wood to eat.

© Manitoba Museum 

Many fungi are parasitic on living organisms. If you’ve ever had athlete’s foot or ringworm,  you’ve been parasitized by a fungus!

Fungal diseases can devastate plant, animal and human communities. The Irish Potato famine was caused by the introduction of a fungal potato disease from South America into Ireland. Right now, many of Canada’s bats are dying of White Nose Syndrome caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans. 

Not all fungal relationships are negative though. Many fungi form mutually beneficial relationships called mutualisms, with algae and plants. Mycorrhizal fungi interact in a positive way with plants, receiving sugar in exchange for water and minerals. Most plant species (~90%) form mycorrhizal interactions with fungi. Lichens are communities of fungi living together with algae and cyanobacteria. They inhabit areas where neither organism could live alone, such as on rocks. In fact, lichens help create soil by breaking down rocks into smaller pieces. They also protect soil from wind and water erosion, particularly in dry areas, like grasslands. 


A grey angular rock with green-white lichens growing on it and the surrounding ground.

Lichens are commonly found on rocks and rock outcrops in Manitoba.

©Manitoba Museum 

Are mushrooms in Manitoba edible?

There are many species of Manitoba mushrooms that are edible, including many Boletes, Chanterelles, Chicken-of-the-Woods (Laetiporus sulphurous), Morels, Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), Puffballs and Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus) to name a few. However, there are also deathly poisonous ones like Amanitas (Amanita) and False Morels (Gyromitra esculenta), that can be confused with some edible species. 

A mushroom with a ridge brown cap and a light-coloured stem lying on green moss.

Make sure you can identify the False Morel (Gyromitra esculenta) shown here, before collecting true morels! This lookalike species is poisonous.

© Manitoba Museum 

If you want to collect and eat wild mushrooms, obtain some good mushroom field guides, and learn how to identify both the edible AND the poisonous species found here. I highly recommend taking a mushroom foraging course, or going out with an experienced picker before eating any wild mushrooms. Only eat mushrooms that you are 100% certain you have identified correctly. Keep at least one mushroom whole and uncooked to take to the hospital in case you get sick. Collect only young mushrooms, as older ones can become inedible, toxic, wormy or woody. Also remember to forage responsibly by only collecting what you will eat, and leaving at least some mushrooms behind so that the species can reproduce. 

A multi-layered orange-yellow mushroom growing off the side of a tree truck.

The Chicken-of-the-Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus) grows on trees in the city and, when cooked, tastes like chicken! © Carol Hibbert 

Note: The Manitoba Museum is not responsible for any illness or poisoning resulting from incorrect mushroom identification and consumption. Please forage safely! 

Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson

Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson

Curator of Botany

Dr. Bizecki Robson obtained a Master’s Degree in Plant Ecology at the University of Saskatchewan studying rare plants of the mixed grass prairies. After working as an environmental consultant and sessional lecturer…
Meet Dr. Bizecki Robson

International Transgender Day of Visibility

In honour of International Transgender Day of Visibility, Collections Technician Aro van Dyck would like to share some of her favourite insects from the Natural History Collection! #TransDayOfVisibility

Did you know that you shouldn’t polish your silver?

Silver tarnishing is unsightly to most, with its darkened appearance and iridescent shine. To a Conservator however, we see this grey layer as a protective barrier to the valuable silver-plate below, but why is that? Silver-plated objects in your home tarnish over time when exposed to sulphur gases. Sulphur can be produced in our homes from many different things, including the paint used on the walls, to the varnish on our furniture, but also from the types of food we eat such as eggs and onions. In order to make these objects sparkle again, many people use silver polish to bring back the shine; however, these creams contain very small abrasive particles. As silver is polished over and over again, the silver-plating wears away slowly and reveals a different metal below, usually copper. To minimize this irreversible damage, it is generally best to leave that beloved silver-plated tea pot tarnished until ready to serve a hot cup!

Learn more in this video with Museum Conservator Carolyn!

A Bird in the Hand: Museum Collections and Conservation 

During this cold March, the new Prairies Gallery is a comfortable place to explore the diversity, adaptations, and life histories of some of Manitoba’s wildlife. For many visitors, especially the young, the exhibits often provide the first close look at the details of insect wings and wolf teeth, the first chance to explore life underground, or to experience the wonder of just how many other animal species are fellow Manitobans.  

That can mean that a gallery or exhibit is an important influence on attitudes towards our environment and might inspire the next generation of conservation advocates. And parts of our collections, including some birds now on exhibit in the new gallery, have a long history educating the public and have been filling that role for almost 100 years! 

On the right, a photograph of a glass display case containing specimens of many different kinds of birds. On the left are two close-cropped photos of specific specimens with text above reading, “Still educating... after all these years.” Above one bird reads, “prior to 1922” accompanied by an arrow pointing to the same bird in the case on the right. Above the other bird reads, “1905” accompanied by an arrow pointing to the same bird in the case on the right.

Some specimens in our collections have been teaching about biodiversity for over 100 years, including the western grebe (left) and horned grebe (middle) continuing that role in the new Prairies Gallery (far right). MM 3-6-4, MM 3-6-359

© Manitoba Museum 

But many visitors don’t realize that most of the museum’s collections are not on exhibit. For example, over 95% of our bird collections, almost 7,000 specimens, are in climate-controlled storage on the 4th floor. 

Why would we have all these bird specimens if they aren’t on exhibit? Where did they come from and why so many? 

Our behind-the-scenes bird collection is a combination of inheritance from earlier versions of the Manitoba Museum, donated private collections, and, more recently, window and vehicle casualties brought in by the public or through relationships with zoos, government, and universities. In the distant past, birds could be professionally collected and were even traded among private citizens. That practice is, thankfully, no longer allowed, but many of these collections, some more than 100 years old, were eventually donated to the Museum where they have had a second ‘life’ through their value for public education and for scientific study. These specimens not only grace our exhibit halls, but have contributed information that appears in our exhibits as labels, short panels, or videos through primary research by scientists at the Manitoba Museum and researchers from around the world. 

Having large numbers of bird specimens means that we can learn a great deal about where they live, what they eat, and other aspects of their life histories. Like people, each individual bird is unique, but having several from different places provides a statistical sample and a better understanding of their biology and a record of geographical variation in size, colour, and behaviour. 

The collection is like a library or archive of the lives of birds in Manitoba. And like a library, scientists can read and borrow the ‘books’, the specimens, to study them and to discover the stories they tell about how our birds live and what they tell about our environment in general. 

Two photographs side-by-side. The left photo shows an open cabinet with a number of wooden drawers, three of which are pulled open revealing yellow and black bird specimens. The right photo shows several open cabinets with numerous drawers open, showing large and small bird specimens of many species.

The Manitoba Museum holds almost 7,000 bird specimens. This library of bird life is not only a resource for exhibit and teaching, but is available to Museum scientists and researchers around the world. © Manitoba Museum 

So how can these bird specimens contribute to conservation? 

Collections include birds from over many decades that act much like a time machine, letting us know where and in what quality of environment they lived. Specimens provide baseline data for knowing a species occurrence and range at a specific time in the past and whether it is still there. This can help determine if species are being affected by climate change, habitat loss, or other factors. Today, bird records can include photographs and sound recordings, but this technology has only very recently been widely available. Where birds lived 30, 50, or 100 or more years ago can only be determined with certainty by voucher specimens, that is, physical evidence that a species was found at a particular place at a particular time. But even today, because Manitoba is a big province and much of it is difficult to access, we are still unsure of where some species occur. Museum curators are among the few scientists performing on-the-ground surveys to determine baseline data on distribution and retaining physical evidence of that distribution. Without these comparative data we can’t know what might be changing nor determine if conservation action should be undertaken. It is impossible to be responsible stewards of our natural world if we don’t know what lives where! 

 Most of Manitoba’s birds spend only a few short, warm months here to raise their young and then spend the majority of the year to the south. That means that even if we take appropriate conservation measures to safeguard our birds here, they face further challenges elsewhere. But where is that elsewhere? 

Collections can help to determine where our birds spend the winter and can pinpoint where international collaborative conservation efforts should be directed. A recent study spear-headed by researchers at the University of Central Oklahoma used feather samples from specimens in the Manitoba Museum and other institutions to examine their unique molecular signatures (isotopes) to determine where four species of prairie birds overwinter. They found, for example, that prairie populations of the elusive yellow rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) – a species of special concern in Canada – spend their winters in the western portions of the Gulf of Mexico. Conservation policies can now be introduced to better manage habitat in both the breeding and wintering ranges for this rarely encountered species. 


On the right, photographs of four bird specimens. Ont he left, four maps illustrating the breeding season for 4 mesic prairie bird species wintering along the Gulf Coast. The four maps of central North America show differing sized blue and green shaded sections across the prairies.

Feather samples from Manitoba Museum specimens helped to determine that prairie breeders overwinter along the western Gulf of Mexico. From Butler et al., 2021. Estimates of breeding season location for 4 mesic prairie bird species wintering along the Gulf Coast. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 133:177-189. Photos of sedge wren (MM 1-2-770), Nelson’s sparrow (MM 1-2-4645), LeConte’s sparrow (MM 1-2-4646), and yellow rail (MM 3-6-916) © Manitoba Museum 

And the collections can provide valuable information about changes in our environment. Using samples of ivory gull (Pagophila eburnean) from several museums, including a 1926 specimen from the Manitoba Museum, university and Environment Canada researchers recreated a 130-year record of mercury levels in this endangered species. This time series, like a time machine, could trace the history of mercury contamination in this Arctic gull, finding that levels have increased dramatically in northern food webs. This museum collection-based study showed that bioaccumulation, the gradual build-up of heavy metals through the food chain, puts top predators like the ivory gull, fishes, and marine mammals at risk from pollutants like mercury. 

A photograph of a light-coloured bird specimen lying on a dark surface. Embedded text below the photo reads, “Rapdily increasing methyl mercury in endangered ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) feathers over a 130 year record”.

The 1926 ivory gull from the Manitoba Museum (above) was one of many museum specimens analyzed to create a 130-year history of mercury levels that will inform management plans for this and other Arctic species. From Bond et al., 2015. Rapidly increasing methyl mercury in endangered ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) feathers over a 130 year period. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282. Photo MM 1-2-941, © Manitoba Museum 

Museum collections go well beyond their important educational role in exhibits and programming to create advocates for conservation. As permanent archives of the distribution of organisms and as a critical resource for scientific research at the Museum and at science institutions around the world, specimens in the hand contribute to understanding our environment and determining strategies and policies for responsible ecological stewardship. Although I have focused on bird collections to illustrate a few applications, the Museum collections of insects, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and other animals, along with those of plants, mosses, lichens, and fungi, as well as the representative fossils of  these and earlier organisms in the paleontology collections, provide important data to interpret the past, understand the present, and consider the future of the natural world in Manitoba. 

Dr. Randy Mooi

Dr. Randy Mooi

Curator of Zoology

Dr. Mooi received his Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Toronto working on the evolutionary history of coral reef fishes. Following a postdoctoral fellowship in the Division of Fishes of the Smithsonian Institution…
Meet Dr. Randy Mooi