The Sky for October 2024

The Sky for October 2024

October is a great month for stargazing. Aside from the cooler temperatures and earlier sunsets, we have at least one reasonably-bright comet expected, and quite possibly two. The planets rise early enough to see before midnight, and the most distant object visible to the unaided eye comes into view.

Comet #1: 2023 A3 (Tsuchinshen-ATLAS)

This is the comet you’ve been hearing about on social media lately. It’s been limited to southern viewers so far, but now that it has rounded the Sun it will be moving into the northern skies quickly.

There is a full article on this comet, with day-by-day details, in preparation, but the short version is most Canadians won’t be able to spot it until after October 10 or so. It is not quite as bright as forecast, and so it won’t become visible in broad daylight or even in the very bright twilight sky. It will become visible in the evening sky after sun is it rockets between Sun and Erath, rapidly moving higher in the evening as it moves farther away.

Comet #2: A11bP7I (Soon-to-be Comet ATLAS)

This comet was discovered on September 27, and is so new that it doesn’t have a formal name yet – “A11bP7I” is a temporary designation. This comet is a rare kind of comet called a sun-grazer, which gets very close to the Sun and therefore can get very bright. Initial forecasts sound like this one could be even brighter than Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS, but we’ll have to wait and see. It will be at its best (whatever taht menas) around the end of october. More informations as it becomes available.

The Solar System

Mercury remains too low to see in the evening sky this month.

Venus is very low in the southwest in the evening sky this month, and remains very low throughout October. It is quite far from the sun, but the angle of the solar system is very close to the angle of Manitoba’s horizon in the fall, keeping the planet low. it is very bright, though, likely the first star you see in the evening if your southwestern horizon is clear.

Mars rises in the northeast before midnight, in the middle of the constellation Gemini the Twins. Mars is slowly approaching our planet and will be at its best this orbit in January 2025.

A simulated view of Saturn and its rings.

Jupiter Rises in the northeast about 10pm at the beginning of October, betweemn the horns of taurus the Bull. The largest planet stands high in the south at dawn, offering clear telescopic views. Its four largest moons are visible in binoculars as tiny “stars” in a line on either side of the planet; their positions change nightly as they orbit the giant planet.

Saturn is low in the southwest at sunset, and is visible all night. It rises only about 30 degrees up in the south at its best, though, so telescope views are still blurred by the Earth’s atmosphere. The rings are nearly edge-on, but visible in a telescope with more than about 30x magnification./

Sky Calendar for October 2024

Click on highlighted dates for a star chart showing the view!

Oct. 2 : New Moon

Oct. 5 (evening): The thin crescent Moon will be below Venus in the evening sky after sunset (likely invisible except with binoculars and very clear skies).

Oct. 6 (evening): The thin crescent Moon will be to the left of Venus in the evening sky after sunset.

Oct. 7 (evening): The thin crescent Moon will be just to the to the left of the bright star Antares in the evening sky after sunset. Venus stands farther to the right. The sky on October 7, 2024.

Oct. 9 (evening): Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS passes between Earth and Sun, passing just above the Sun from our point of view. The comet will likely be at its brightest today, but not visible because of its closeness to the Sun.

Oct. 10 (evening): First Quarter Moon. Also the beginning of likely period of visibility for Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS. See day-by-day coverage posts .

Oct. 13 (evening): Saturn will be the brightest “star”, far to the left of the waxing gibbous Moon tonight.

Oct. 14 (evening): Saturn will be the brightest “star” to the right of the waxing gibbous Moon tonight.

Also tonight, Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS passes another, much fainter, comet: Comet 13P/Olbers. Olbers is a periodic comet that has been visible in mid-sized telescopes for a while, and the two aren’t physically close4 to each other, but just in our line of sight from Earth.

Oct. 15 (evening): Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS passes near the globular cluster M5, a “faint fuzzy” visible in binoculars. Images of the comet on this night will probably also catch the globular cluster, which is a group of several hundred thousand stars which are among the oldest stars visible.

Oct. 17: Full Moon, the Harvest Moon.

Oct. 19 (all night): The waning gibbous Moon sits between the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters tonight, with bright Jupiter nearby to the lower left.The sky on October 19, 2024.

Oct. 20 (all night): The waning gibbous Moon is above Jupiter tonight as the two rise in the northeast about 9 p.m. local time.

Oct. 23 (morning): The nearly last quarter Moon is near a trio of bright stars. From top to bottom they are Castor and Pollux, in the constellation Gemini, and the red planet Mars.

Oct. 24 (morning): A similar view to yesterday morning’s sky, but with the Moon having moved through the trio to sit on the lower left of the scene.

Oct. 24 : Last Quarter Moon.

Oct. 28: The new comet A11bP7I makes its closest approach to the Sun. More updates as they become available.

Oct. 31 (evening): Hallowe’en, a great night to have your telescopes or binoculars out to show trick-or-treaters the sky.

Scott Young

Scott Young

Planetarium Astronomer

Scott is the Planetarium Astronomer at the Manitoba Museum, developing astronomy and science programs. He has been an informal science educator for thirty years, working in the planetarium and science centre field both at The Manitoba Museum and also at the Alice G. Wallace Planetarium in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Scott is an active amateur astronomer and a past-President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

The Sky for August 2024

August brings the return of some planets to the evening sky, the most famous meteor shower of the year, and longer nights than we’ve seen for a couple of months. The Milky Way is on full display, offering an unforgettable view from a dark, moonless sky. Unfortunately all of these benefits will likely be offset by smoke in the air from forest fires across Canada, which has become a fixture of summertime observing for the last several years.

The Perseid Meteor Shower

The annual Perseid meteor shower is the most famous meteor shower of the year, although it is not the best one of the year. Its occurrence in August during summer vacation likely makes it more accessible than the much better Geminids, which occur in mid-December. For a complete rundown on the Perseid meteor shower, check out this blog post.

2024 is a good year for the Perseids, since the peak time occurs with the Moon out of the sky. The thing about meteor showers is, they peak in the few hours before dawn for any given location. So to see the Perseids at their best, you want to observe from about 1:30 a.m. to dawn. There will be almost no meteors before midnight – you might see one or two, and the ones you do see will likely be bright ones, but it won’t be much of a “shower” unless you stay up all night.

To observe the Perseids, get away from city lights. Light pollution will wash out the fainter meteors, and there are a lot more faint meteors than bright ones. Bring a reclining lawn chair and blanket to ward off the early-morning chill, and set up facing the darkest part of the sky (or straight up, if you’re in a nice dark spot). Turn off your electronic devices and your car’s lights – any stray light will make it hard to see the meteors for you and anyone near you. The meteors only last a second or two, so you need to watch the sky continuously – literally, don’t blink or you’ll miss it.

You can also try and take pictures of meteors – set up your camera on a tripod and take a bunch of time exposures of the sky. If you’re lucky, a meteor will happen while you’re taking a picture.

We’d love to show your Perseid pics on Dome@Home, our online astronomy show. Send them to and then tune in to our August 28th show at 7 p.m. Central on the Museum’s Facebook and YouTube channels.

The Solar System

Finally, some planets are visible in the evening sky! Barely…

Mercury is still on the evening side of the sky, but in August it sets just after the Sun and so isn’t visible for Canadian viewers. Folks farther south still have have a chance to catch it early in the month, low in the west just after sunset.

Venus has appeared in the evening sky, although like Mercury it is still low in the sky; only its great brightness allows it to be spotted very low soon after sunset. The thin crescent moon is nearby on August 5th.

Mars rises about 2 a.m. local time in the northeast, inconspicuous compared to nearby Jupiter and both the Pleaides and Hyades star clusters. Mars and Jupiter pass less than half a degree apart on the morning of August 14th; see the Sky Calendar entry below for details.

A simulated view of Saturn and its rings.

Jupiter is the brightest “star” in the eastern sky after midnight, outshining all the visible stars as it cruises through the stars of Taurus. The waning crescent Moon is nearby on the morning of August 27.

Saturn rises about 11 p.m. local time early in the month, and moves into the south by dawn. The ringed planet reaches opposition on September 8, so it’s coming into its best viewing position for the year. The rings are only tilted about 4 degrees to our line of sight, making them appear very thin from our point of view. The nearly-full Moon is to Saturn’s left on the evening of the 21st.

Sky Calendar for August 2024

Click on highlighted dates for a star chart showing the view!

Aug 4: New Moon

Aug 11 – Aug 12 (morning sky): Best viewing for the annual Perseids meteor shower; see featured article above. Decent rates should occur the morning before and after as well.

Aug 12 (evening sky): First Quarter Moon

Aug 14 (morning sky): Jupiter and Mars are close together in the morning sky, separated by less than the size of the Full Moon. They’re still pretty close the morning before and after this date.

Aug 19: Full Moon

Aug 20-21 (after midnight into morning sky): The waxing gibbous Moon is to the left of and slightly above Saturn. The two are only about 3 degrees (6 Full Moon diameters) apart, fitting easily into the same binocular field-of-view.

Aug 26: Last Quarter Moon

Aug 27 (morning sky): The waning crescent Moon is above Jupiter, rising together in the morning sky about 1 a.m. local time in the morning sky. Mars is below and to the left, forming a not-quite-right triangle. The red supergiant star Aldebaran is to Jupiter’s right along with the Hyades star cluster, with the Pleaides above them all. The morning rising of these star clusters remind us that winter is coming.

Aug 28 (morning sky): The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter form a very squashed triangle pointing downwards in the eastern sky before dawn.

Aug: 29 (morning sky): By this morning the Moon has moved farther on, still forming a rough line with Mars and Jupiter in the early morning sky.

Scott Young

Scott Young

Planetarium Astronomer

Scott is the Planetarium Astronomer at the Manitoba Museum, developing astronomy and science programs. He has been an informal science educator for thirty years, working in the planetarium and science centre field both at The Manitoba Museum and also at the Alice G. Wallace Planetarium in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Scott is an active amateur astronomer and a past-President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

The Sky for July 2024

The Visible Planets

For planets, early morning is the time to observe. Although Saturn rises shortly after midnight, it stays low until the early morning hours. For unaided eye viewing you can catch it anytime after midnight, but telescope viewers should wait until it rises out of the thick murky (and probably smoky) air near the horizon for the clearest views.

Mercury moves into the evening sky this month, but the geometry keeps it very low to the horizon. It will be very difficult to catch even with binoculars, probably lost in the bright twilight after sunset. The best time to try for it is on the evening of July 7, when the thin crescent Moon will act as a pointer (see Sky Calendar below).

Venus reaches perihelion, the closest point to the Sun in its orbit, on July 10, but the same geometry keeps it very low in the west after sunset. What is the first day you can spot it with the unaided eye?

Earth reaches aphelion, the farthest point to the Sun in its orbit, on July 5. The slight change in the Earth-Sun distance doesn’t cause the seasons, but it does influence how long they are – this is why northern hemisphere summer weather (which occurs in July and August) is less pronounced than southern hemisphere summer weather (which occurs in January, when the Earth is closest to the Sun).

Mars spends the month in the morning sky, edging closer to the famous Pleiades star cluster and the planet Jupiter. It rises about 2:30 a.m. local time at the beginning of July and by 1:30 a.m. local time by month’s end. Still distant, it appears too small in a telescope for very good views.

Jupiter rises about 3:30 a.m. in the east-southeast, the brightest object in this part of the sky and just above the V-shaped star cluster that marks the face of Taurus the Bull. By month’s end it rises before 2 a.m. and forms a pretty triangle with Mars and the bright star Aldebaran.

Saturn is getting high enough this month for decent telescopic views, but you’ll have to get up early. The ringed planet rises shortly after midnight in early July and by 10:30 p.m. at the end of the month, but it will be at its best telescopic view when at its highest, in the early morning sky a couple of hours before dawn. Saturn’s 29.5-year orbit around the Sun gives us a differing angle to views the amazing rings of Saturn, and this year we see them almost edge-on. While this makes it less impressive than other years, they are still an amazing sight in any telescope. This geometry also opens up a series of events for Saturn’s 146 moons, several of which will transit across the planet’s disk or cast their shadow onto the cloud-tops.

The Outer Planets

All of these objects require binoculars or a telescope to spot. Due to their distance, they appear as tiny spots or star-like points, and will require a good star atlas or app to positively identify them. Try Stellarium’s web version or the free Stellarium program for PC.

Uranus is near Mars in the morning sky, but you’ll need binoculars to see it as a tiny faint “star” among a sea of other stars. Your best chance will be in mid-July, when the two planets pass within a degree of each other – that’s about twice the apparent size of the Moon int he sky. See the Sky Calendar entry for July 15th for details.
Neptune is near Saturn in our sky, but you’ll need large binoculars or a telescope plus a good star chart or app to track it down.
Dwarf planet Pluto reaches opposition on July 23, whicvh usually means a planet is at its brightest and most visible. That’s true in this case, however for Pluto, “best” is relative. It’s so small and distant that you’ll need a good-sized telescope to be able to identify it.
Star chart showing the positions of Comet Olbers in July 2024.


In July there is one comet within the range of binoculars. Comet 13P/Olbers was last visible from Earth in 1956, and takes 69 years to orbit the Sun. On this pass through the inner solar system (called the comet’s “apparition”), Comet Olbers passed closest to the Sun on June 30th and is now slowly swinging back into the depths of space. It is visible in July in the evening sky low in the northwest after darkness falls, travelling slowly through the little-known constellations of Lynx and Leo Minor (down below the feet of Ursa major the Great Bear).

Comet Olbers is probably visible in binoculars only from a dark sky as a faint fuzzy spot without a tail. Recent images of the comet show a detailed blue ion tail and a wide diffuse dust tail, but these will only be visible in long-exposure telescope images. Still, spotting one of these celestial interlopers on their uncommon passes through the solar system reminds us of how many small bodies in the solar system are out there, just below the limit of our visibility.

For a printer-friendly version of the star chart click here.

Sky Calendar for July 2024

3 Jul 2024 (morning sky): The crescent Moon sits to the upper left of Jupiter in the east-north-east, both fitting comfortably into a binocular field of view. The two form the base of a triangle with the Pleaides at its apex. Mars is farther east and higher.

5 Jul 2024: New Moon occurs at 5:57 p.m. CDT.

7 Jul 2024 (evening sky): The crescent Moon and Mercury are in the same binocular field. Mercury is to the lower right of the Moon, but sets soon after the Sun so you’ll need a very clear horizon and good timing to spot them.

13 Jul 2024: First Quarter Moon occurs at 5:49 p.m. CDT.

15 Jul 2024 (morning sky): Bright Mars passes close to distant Uranus, so close that they’ll be visible in the same field of view of most telescopes for several days centered on the 15th.

17 Jul 2024 (evening sky): The waxing gibbous Moon is to the left of the bright red star Antares, very low in the south. The Moon actually passed in front of (or occulted) the star about 2pm this afternoon, but it wasn’t visible on this side of the Earth.

21 Jul 2024: Full Moon occurs at 5:17 a.m. CDT.

23 Jul 2024: The dwarf planet Pluto reaches opposition, the point when it is opposite the Sun and visible all night. Unfortunately, its position in the southern sky makes Pluto a difficult observation from Canada this year without electronic imaging or travel.

24 Jul 2024 (morning sky): The waning gibbous Moon is to the right of Saturn this evening, but far enough away that they won’t both fit into the field of view of typical binoculars. The Moon will occult (pass in front of) Saturn later today, but it is not visible from Manitoba.

27 Jul 2024: Last Quarter Moon occurs at 9:51 p.m. CDT.

28 Jul 2024 (morning sky): Technically the peak of the Pisces Australis meteor shower, but it is not really a northern hemisphere event.

30 July 2024 (morning sky): The South Delta Aquariids peaks in the pre-dawn hours this morning. See “Meteor Showers” below.

A family looking at the stars.

Other Events

Meteor Showers

This month there are two meteor showers (although neither is a “big” one). The one perhaps worth watching is the South Delta Aquariid meteor shower, which is slowly building throughout July to a peak on the morning of July 30. Patient observers may spot a dozen or more meteors per hour from this shower in the pre-dawn hours of the 30th. (Compare this to the typical 2 or 3 so meteors per hour you can see on any summer night.)

Technically, the Piscid Australis meteor shower also peaks in July, and you’ll see it listed in several sky calendars, but it will contribute less than 1 meteor per hour to Manitoba skies at best, so it is mentioned here only so you don’t get too hyped up over a listing elsewhere.

“The Blaze Star”

A note that T Corona Borealis, the so-called “Blaze Star”, is expected to go nova sometime this summer, brightening to about 2nd magnitude (about the brightness of the stars in the Big Dipper). It is located just beside the “crown” or Corona Borealis, and is normally too faint to find without a telescope. It is a double star system that has a massive eruption in brightness every 80 years or so, and observations indicate it could go at any moment. Watch for an upcoming blog detailing how you can see this rare event, and how simple observations anyone can do can contribute to our scientific understanding of this amazing star system.