Step into the Past: Winnipeg 1920

Step into the Past: Winnipeg 1920

First developed in 1974 as the “Urban Gallery,” this visitor favourite has undergone some major changes over the last four years. The gallery was always meant to represent Winnipeg in 1920, when it was Canada’s third largest city. Our goal with the transformation was to introduce more real history to the gallery, populate it more thoroughly, and explore the diversity of Winnipeg’s population at the time.

View down a street in the Winnipeg 1920 Cityscape of the Manitoba Museum. In the left foreground, a storefront identified as the Sing Wo Laundry, a male mannequin irons a shirt.

Ukrainian, Black, Chinese, Métis, and Jewish historical communities are all touched upon, as well as the important events of the 1919 Strike, women’s voting rights, and immigration. New businesses are included, such as the Ukrainian Booksellers, Darbey Taxidermy shop, Foote and James Photography Studio, the Colcleaugh Pharmacy, Strathcona Restaurant, Tribune Newspaper, and A & M Hurtig Furrier.  To help bring these stories alive, we’ve included four video projections, three audio stations, twelve new mannequins, and hundreds of new artifacts.


Image: The Sing Wo laundry was once located on Euclid Ave. Discover the stories of hard work and dreams of family during a period of discrimination and Chinese exclusion. ©Manitoba Museum

People love this gallery because there is so much to explore, and it’s completely immersive. That hasn’t changed! You will still discover something new (or old) around every corner.

Here are some fun things to look for the next time you visit: a bizarre bison horn inkwell; a restored version of the 1920 HBC documentary film “Romance of the Far Fur Country”; an engaging discussion about women’s voting rights between Mrs. Garvin and her maid Alma; footage of a busy Portage Avenue filled with cars, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians, but lacking any stop signs; Winnipeg Tribune grotesques (look up); and Hattie Colcleugh, one of the first female graduates from the Manitoba College of Pharmacy.

Close view at a portion of a storefront in the Museum's Winnipeg 1920 Cityscape. On a small wooden desk is a typewriter, a bison horn inkwell, and animal skull. Above the desk is a glass menagerie filled with taxidermized birds in a recreated nature scene.

Edward Darbey’s Taxidermy shop, once located at 223 Main St., has been recreated and showcases numerous historical taxidermy specimens of the period. ©Manitoba Museum

Looking down the aisle of a small theatre with red plush seats on either side. The screen is framed with detailed architecture and sconce lights. Text on the screen reads, The Romance of the Far Fur Country".

The Hudson’s Bay Company documentary film “Romance of the Far Fur Country” was premiered at the Allen Theatre in Winnipeg in 1920 (now it’s the Met). We provide a short, edited version as an option, along with all the old Chaplin and Buster Keaton favourites. ©Manitoba Museum

Special thanks to The Manitoba Museum Foundation, the Province of Manitoba (Heritage Grant), and the Canadian First World War Internment Recognition Fund for their support in making these exciting changes possible.


Explore Winnipeg 1920 and more at the Manitoba Museum! Click here to plan your visit today.

Dr. Roland Sawatzky

Dr. Roland Sawatzky

Curator of History

Roland Sawatzky joined The Manitoba Museum in 2011. He received his B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Winnipeg, M.A. in Anthropology from the University of South Carolina, and Ph.D. in Archaeology…
Meet Dr. Roland Sawatzky

The Passing of Senator Murray Sinclair

Headshot of Senator Murray Sinclair.

In profound sadness, we honour and remember Senator Murray Sinclair – “Mazina Giizhik” (the One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky), a towering figure in history, whose legacy of courage, resilience, and fight for justice will endure for generations. Senator Sinclair stood as a true warrior, believing that through truth we could find our way to reconciliation, and that as a nation, we were not beyond redemption or unable to heal. We send our deepest condolences to Senator Sinclair’s children and grandchildren, his home community of Peguis First Nation, and all the communities who share in the grief of this immeasurable loss.

Senator Sinclair laid a path for us to continue on this journey; he was ever unwavering in his determination to change the course of history and to make right all the ways Canada had wronged Indigenous peoples. The Manitoba Museum Board of Governors, staff, and volunteers wish to express our deepest gratitude to Senator Murray Sinclair for the depth of knowledge and guidance he gifted to the Museum in the creation of its Indian Residential School exhibition. We will be forever indebted to this incredible leader, fearless advocate, and monumental Manitoban.

Image: Material republished with the express permission of: Ottawa Citizen, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.

The Stars Belong to Everyone

By the time you read this, Earth will have not just one but two comets visiting our corner of the solar system. These objects remind us that our planet is part of a solar system that is dynamic and still has new objects awaiting discovery. With luck, both of these objects will be visible to the average person with the unaided eye.

A close look at an embroidered tapestry showing a small group of people pointing up towards a comet streaking across the sky.

Comets are small, icy bodies in our solar system which are left over from the formation of the solar system, kept “fresh” in the deep freeze of deep space. Occasionally, collisions or the gravity of an outer planet will push one in towards the Sun on a long, looping oval path. Closer to the Sun, the ice melts and releases a long tail of dust that can be seen from Earth. At any given time, there are a half-dozen or more comets in the sky, but most are invisible without a powerful telescope.


Image: Bright comets have been seen throughout recorded history, and have often been seen as evil omens. Comet Halley was visible in 1066 and was immortalized in the Bayeux tapestry.

Comet 2023 A3 (Tsuchinshen-ATLAS) was discovered last year and has put on an amazing show in the southern hemisphere in late September and early October. When it becomes visible from Canada in mid-October it should be an interesting sight for Manitobans throughout the fall. Meanwhile, a second comet called 2024 S1 (ATLAS) was recently discovered that may pass very close to the Sun at the end of October, perhaps becoming very bright… or disintegrating in the Sun’s heat.

A star map showing the orbit of Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS as it moves through our solar system.

The Orbit of Comet Tsuchinshen-ATLAS dives down from above the solar system (on the left of the image), passes close to the Sun, and then heads back up between Earth and Sun. Manitobans will see it as it passes above the Sun this month. © NASA SSD

A comet with a long, bright tail streaking through the night sky, perpendicular to the ground.

The Sky isn’t just starry wallpaper and Supermoons – there is a lot going on up there. You can find out how to see the planets and other celestial events by following the Manitoba Museum’s Astronomy blog at or taking in one of our exciting planetarium shows.


The stars belong to everyone, so join along as we explore the beauty and wonder of our universe.


Image: A sungrazing comet like Comet 2024 S1 (ATLAS) can put on an amazing show if it survives its passage around the Sun. This image shows sungrazing Comet McNaught, also known as “the Great Comet of 2007”.

Scott Young

Scott Young

Planetarium Astronomer

Scott is the Planetarium Astronomer at the Manitoba Museum, developing astronomy and science programs. He has been an informal science educator for thirty years, working in the planetarium and science centre field both at The Manitoba Museum and also at the Alice G. Wallace Planetarium in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Scott is an active amateur astronomer and a past-President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

Truth & Reconciliation

By Tabitha Harper, Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, & Amelia Fay, Curator of Anthropology and HBC Museum Collections


As we approach the annual National Day for Truth & Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day, folks maybe be curious about their role in Truth & Reconciliation. Many Indigenous leaders and community members have urged that truth needs to come before reconciliation, followed by action to create meaningful impact. Museums have a uniquely important role in changing past narratives and practices to move forward with ReconciliACTION.

Although museums carry a lot of colonial baggage, the Manitoba Museum staff (past and present) have been working hard to make the Museum a safe space to learn about history. In-person visitors to the Museum can choose from various programs and exhibits to engage with difficult histories, we also have resources available on our website and YouTube channel that you can view from home.

A child wearing an orange shirt places an orange sticky-note on a wall alongside dozens of other orange sticky-notes.

The Orange Shirt Day Reflection Wall encourages you to share your thoughts and make a commitment to reconciliation. © Manitoba Museum

Two individuals sit at desks in the Museum's Prairies Gallery Schoolhouse exhibit, engaging with digital material embedded in the top of the desk.

The digital kiosk in our Prairies Gallery Schoolhouse exhibit provides opportunities for learning and reflection about the truth of residential schools. © Manitoba Museum

Not sure where to begin? Below are a few topics that I think are a great starting place, no matter where you are in your reconciliation learning journey.

  • The colonial process in Canada started long before Confederation, so I encourage visitors to reconsider the history of the fur trade, including the early beginnings of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Learn more about the Hudson’s Bay Company Royal Charter in this video on our YouTube channel:


  • Take time to learn more about Residential Schools in Manitoba, visit the schoolhouse exhibit in the Prairies Gallery and use the digital kiosks embedded in the desks. You can also click here to see the same information on our website.


  • We are all vulnerable and learning when it comes to truth and reconciliation, but by understanding how we are going to engage, learn, and grow with Indigenous peoples, take a look at the ‘Indigenous Connections’ section in the Truth & Reconciliation page on our website, here.
Three individuals wearing Powwow regalia stand smiling with a Museum staff member wearing an orange t-shirt and a ribbon skirt.

During Orange Shirt Days, daily powwow demonstrations by Beautiful Cloud Company provides the opportunity to learn about the resilience of Indigenous culture. © Manitoba Museum

For many non-Indigenous readers, learning more about these topics might bring up a lot of feelings and make you uncomfortable, and that’s okay. The important thing is to not dismiss information that challenges what you knew about Canadian history, but instead sit with the discomfort and think about why you might feel this way. Moving forward, I recommend looking at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation’s website for ‘ReconciliACTION Plans’ ( to create your own action plan.

A word graphic. On a teal circle to the right is an orange t-shirt with the words “Every Child Matters” on the front accompanied by a floral motif. Text to the left of it reads, “Orange Shirt Days @ the Manitoba Museum / Every Child Matters / Sep 28 – 30 / 10 am – 4 pm / Complimentary admission. No ticket required.”

Orange Shirt Days @ the Manitoba Museum

Join us for a time of learning, reflection, and response.

Three days of free admission to all areas September 28 – 30. No tickets required.

Tabitha Harper

Tabitha Harper

Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Tabitha Harper began her role of Museum Advisor for Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation in June 2024. In her role, Harper is instrumental in supporting and strengthening new and existing community relationships…
Meet Tabitha Harper
Dr. Amelia Fay

Dr. Amelia Fay

Curator of Anthropology & the HBC Museum Collection

Amelia Fay is Curator of Anthropology and the HBC Museum Collection at the Manitoba Museum. She received her BA in Anthropology from the University of Manitoba (2004), an MA in Archaeology…
Meet Dr. Amelia Fay

The Passing of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick

We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, and offer our sincerest condolences to her husband, children, grandchildren, her home community of Pimicikamak Cree Nation, and all her relations. Grand Chief Merrick offered wise counsel, immense knowledge, and warm kindness to everyone who had the honour of being in her presence. Grand Chief Merrick was a courageous warrior, a truth teller, and an advocate who never wavered in her calls for justice for Indigenous peoples.

When she was first elected in 2022, Grand Chief Merrick met with us at the Manitoba Museum to ensure we understood how to be true allies to First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities. She generously offered her guidance and support to the changes we would make and returned to sit in circle with us many times as we undertook the work of fulfilling our promises.

“Grand Chief Merrick was direct in her words about where the Museum needed to do better, she was clear about our unique responsibilities, and thoughtful in her expectations. She was also hopeful. When we last saw each other, she left me knowing the monumental tasks that were ahead of us, and that she believed we would do the work needed, that she had faith in us. To me that is who Grand Chief Merrick was, an incredible leader who demanded the world be better while dedicating every moment of her own life to making it so.” – Dorota Blumczyńska, CEO

The Manitoba Museum Board of Governors and staff grieve the loss of Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, our province’s greatest Matriarch, our most resolute Warrior, and beloved Kukum to generations.

The Seasonal Round of Archaeology

By David Finch, Curator of Archaeology


I lived in Yellowknife for ten years where the seasons are definitely pronounced. Downtown Yellowknife wraps around a small lake and I used to shop at stores on the other side. Shopping in winter was easier because I didn’t have to go around the lake – I could just walk across the ice. For the rest of the year, I faced a longer trek to reach my destination.

A miniature museum diorama showing a community during three different season of the year, and demonstrating the changes in activities and living.

There is a concept in science called the seasonal round, which is basically how a group lives at different times of the year. Note that I did not say “in all four seasons” because that’s a Western idea of time – one traditional Cree view of the year has six seasons.

Regardless, humans and animals follow seasonal cycles that we see reflected in archaeological sites. Summer fish camps are different from fall hunting sites, and both are different from winter trapping cabins.


Image: A museum diorama of seasonal Anishnaabe campsites demonstrates the concept of a seasonal round. ©Manitoba Museum

Archaeologists also follow a seasonal round – it’s hard to dig in frozen ground or to survey when there is snow. In Manitoba, the season for fieldwork is often from May to October, with the winter months spent writing reports.

Shoreline of alake beginning to melt in spring time. Further from the shore there is ice and snow on the surface of the lake, and near the shoreline, which is still covered in snow, pools of water are beginning to show through the ice.

Spring break-up creates challenges for getting around, so it’s the perfect time for reports and a pot of tea. ©David Finch/Manitoba Museum

An individual on a snow mobile from behind, as they travel down a snow covered road lined with evergreens.

Accessing the country near Hudson’s Bay is a lot easier with snow machines. ©David Finch/Manitoba Museum

This summertime focus affects our mobility: recorded sites tend to be near highways and shorelines because most fieldwork is done during summer from trucks and boats. Ancient access was different, and winter sites might be in what we now write off as bogs.

One way around these problems is to think broadly about how, where, and when we can explore the land: oral history and traditional land use can help predict where sites may be (and where we should dig); underwater archaeology and remote sensing can reveal hidden sites; and making community connections and getting to know the land in all seasons can also point us in the right direction.

Looking over the heads of two people on a boat travelling over a body of water towards a treed bank.

Lakes and rivers are like highways, both in ancient times and for archaeologists. ©David Finch/Manitoba Museum

Two individuals seated on the edge of a river bank among trees with fall foliage. Both individuals are wearing high-vis vests.

Doing community-based fieldwork in Labrador (working in fall means fewer bugs. ©David Finch/Manitoba Museum

Did you know that roughly 2.5 million (86%) of the Museum’s 2.9 million artifacts are part of the Archaeology collection? Containing objects dating from the last ice age through thousands of years of Indigenous history and the arrival and settlement of Europeans in Manitoba, the collection represents over 12,000 years of Manitoba’s history. Visit today to explore the Archaeology collection and all the stories it has to tell.

Dave Finch

Dave Finch

Curator of Archaeology

Dave is an archaeologist and ethnohistorian who works with communities in the Canadian Subarctic. He was born in Winnipeg and was raised in northern Manitoba and northwest Ontario. He has also worked in environmental assessment and forensics, and in areas from the Northwest Territories to Labrador. He received a Masters in Environmental Studies from Lakehead University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Winnipeg.
Meet Dave Finch

Foraging for Wild Fruits

By Diana Bizecki Robson, Curator of Botany at the Manitoba Museum


There are many plant species with edible fruit in Manitoba. Wild fruits make a nutritious snack when you are out hiking but you may also want to consider growing of these shrubs in your yard to ensure easy access to their delicious fruit.


Berries are fleshy fruits with several seeds inside them. The most popular ones to eat are Saskatoons (Amelanchier alnifolia) and blueberries (Vaccinium spp.). Saskatoons are tall shrubs typically found in the prairies and parklands, while blueberries are low shrubs common in the boreal forest.

A cluster of small blue-purple berries growing among green leaves on a bush.

Saskatoons (Amelanchier alnifolia) are often found along river valleys in southern Manitoba. © Manitoba Museum

A low growing plant with small white flowers growing on it.

When in flower, Velvet-leaved Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilloides) attracts many insect pollinators, including bees. © Manitoba Museum


Fruits that we commonly call “cherries” or “plums” are actually drupes, a fleshy fruit with a hard, inedible pit inside. Manitoba has five species of wild cherries including Wild (Prunus americana) and Canada Plum (P. nigra), Chokecherry (P. virginiana), Pin Cherry (P. pensylvanica) and Sand Cherry (P. pumila). Wild plums and cherries can be pitted and dried or turned into jam, juice, or jelly.

Clusters of dark blue chokecherries growing on a branch.

Chokecherries (Prunus virginiana) are common, tall shrubs with edible, dark purple fruits. © Manitoba Museum

Small red Pin cherries growing along a leaved branch.

Pin cherries (Prunus pensylvanica) are tall shrubs with bright red berries occurring in clusters. © Manitoba Museum

A red raspberry growing among green leaves.

Faux Berries

Some fruits are called “berries” but are structurally different from real berries. The fleshy part of wild strawberries (Fragaria spp.) is actually a fleshy petal; what we call “seeds” are the fruits. In raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and dewberries (R. pubescens) the fruit is a whole bunch of tiny fruits clustered together.


Image: Dewberry (Rubus pubescens) produces a raspberry-like fruit that is highly nutritious. © Manitoba Museum

A berry consisting of red drupes growing low to the ground among green leaves.

Fatal Fruits

Edible fruits typically grow on shrubs, and are red, bluish, or purple in color. If the fruits are white, or if the plant is a vine or herb, it should not be eaten. The plant Baneberry (Actaea rubra) produces poisonous berries that can be fatal if eaten.


Image: Baneberry (Actaea rubra) is a forest herb that has deathly poisonous red or white berries. Do not consume this species’ fruit! CC-BY-SA-2.0

Before consuming any wild fruit, remember to consult with a field guide, to ensure you can correctly identify both edible and dangerous fruits.

Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson

Dr. Diana Bizecki Robson

Curator of Botany

Dr. Bizecki Robson obtained a Master’s Degree in Plant Ecology at the University of Saskatchewan studying rare plants of the mixed grass prairies. After working as an environmental consultant and sessional lecturer…
Meet Dr. Bizecki Robson

Winnipeg 150: Experiences of Immigration

Adapting to life in a new city or country can come with many challenges and successes. This video with Dr. Roland Sawatzky in the Winnipeg Gallery looks at how the experiences of immigrants to Winnipeg in the last 20 years or so compare to the experiences of immigrants 100-150 years ago.

This series celebrating Winnipeg’s 150th anniversary is ongoing throughout 2024, so keep an eye out for more #Wpg150 videos!

Manitoba Museum welcomes Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation

Treaty No. 1 Territory – Winnipeg, Manitoba: July 8, 2024 – The Manitoba Museum is pleased to welcome Tabitha Harper in the role of Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation (M.A.I.R.R.).  In this new role, Harper will be instrumental in supporting and strengthening new and existing community relationships, developing a framework to guide the Museum’s implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and will meaningfully contribute to advancing Indigenous reconciliation efforts with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.

Harper was raised on Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation, located on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg, and attended high school in Winnipeg. She graduated with a diploma from Red River College Polytech’s Social Innovation and Community Development Program, with a major in Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship. Harper also draws on an informal education through lived experiences, such as ceremony and being an active helper in her community. Harper notes these experiences have helped her to remain humble and prepared to be ready and willing to support those in need.

Harper has held roles as Child Development Worker and Assistant Case Manager for Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation Jordan’s Principle and was the first Indigenous Cultural Program Instructor for the Assiniboine Park Conservancy (APC). Although her role at APC allowed Harper to reconnect and embrace her culture confidently, it also served as an often-painful reminder of her ancestors who were not able to legally practice their cultures and traditions.

“Through my schooling, I studied the lack of Indigenous representation and perspective within institutions and organizations in Manitoba, specifically about the interconnections between microaggressions, high turnover rate, and hesitancy on both sides for reconciliation. My passion is for overall wellness of Indigenous peoples so that they may thrive, heal, and strive towards self-determination and self-governance. Managing difficult conversations that support vulnerability and respect is an environment needed when discussing reconciliation; I feel my new role at the Manitoba Museum supports Indigenous inclusion, perspective, and reconciliation in a good way.” – Tabitha Harper, Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation.

In 2022, the Manitoba Museum introduced a 5-year Strategic Plan intended to guide the Museum’s way forward to becoming a more impactful and transformative institution. Highlighted in this plan was the necessity to acknowledge the role the Museum played in colonization, and to demonstrate its commitment to advance decolonization, reconciliation, and repatriation in all facets of the Museum’s work.  This new role was in part created to ensure the Museum’s decisions and actions were properly informed, and to maintain respectful and collaborative relationships with Indigenous communities.

“I want to be a bridge not only for Indigenous people, but also non-Indigenous people, to provide support and engagement opportunities for transparent communications. I believe that my work in this position will help Indigenous peoples feel more welcome to attend, connect, and interact in Museum spaces, and I’m looking forward to developing relationships and connecting with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples – because I feel the most rich and fruitful connections happen through meaningful and respectful relationships” – Tabitha Harper.

The Canadian Museums Association’s ‘Moved to Action: Activating UNDRIP in Canadian Museums’ Report is a direct response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #67. The Manitoba Museum uses this vital resource as a guide to determine their compliance with UNDRIP and identify what work is still needed. With Harper’s guidance, the knowledge and support of the Indigenous Advisory Circle to the Manitoba Museum, and the expertise of museum colleagues from coast to coast to coast, the Manitoba Museum will develop an implementation framework to ensure museum policies and practices uphold the Articles of UNDRIP related to museums and heritage institutions.

“While Tabitha brings invaluable knowledge and wisdom to this role, the Museum as a whole carries the responsibility to repair relationships with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities. As the Museum Advisor on Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Tabitha will work together with colleagues across our institution to dismantle existing systems which fail to uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples to self-determination, and control and authority over their own heritage, tangible and intangible.” – Dorota Blumczynska, CEO of the Manitoba Museum.

The Manitoba Museum, as a steward of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis artifacts, has a profound responsibility to partner with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities in sharing their stories, stories that are at the heart of Manitoba’s history. In the spirit of truth and reconciliation, cultural revitalization, and knowledge and language reclamation, the Manitoba Museum recognizes its larger commitment and responsibility to honour the unique relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Museum. This conscious recognition endeavors to support the practice and revitalization of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultural traditions—past, present, and future.



Media Contact: 

Brandi Hayberg
Manager of Marketing & Communications
Manitoba Museum

Connecting the Continent

Sometimes archaeologists find things in Manitoba that seem like they shouldn’t be here. We don’t have volcanos – how did obsidian get here? Through trade routes!

Learn more about the trade routes that have connected the continent for thousands of years in this video with Curator of Archaeology Dave Finch.

Pick up your own copy of this map at the Museum Shop!

Shop M today