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Dome@Home brings the wonders of the universe to anyone with an internet connection! This monthly livestream focuses on all of the celestial sights and special events that viewers can see during the next month.

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At the core of the Manitoba Museum’s mission is the extensive collection of artifacts and specimens developed, documented, and cared for by a team of curators, collections staff, and conservators. The Museum also maintains a library and institutional archive, including an ever-growing collection of contemporary oral histories. 

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Dome@Home Returns!

The Manitoba Museum Planetarium’s popular online program, Dome@Home, returns this month. Hosted by Planetarium astronomer Scott Young, the show brings the wonders of the universe…

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Manitobans depend on healthy ecosystems for oxygen, flood control, food production, water purification, carbon storage, and economic and recreational activities, like forestry and tourism. Healthy ecosystems contain a diverse mixture of thousands of plant and fungal species. But, due to overexploitation, climate change, exotic species introductions, and pollution, our ecosystems are changing, and some species are becoming endangered.

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