Posted on: Friday April 12, 2024
By Mika Pineda, Learning & Engagement Producer for Youth Climate Action.
Every year on April 22, we celebrate our home, the Earth, and all the wonderful things it provides us – from the food that nourishes our body, the shelter and clothing that keeps us warm, to the air and water that allow us to live and breathe.

Here are just a few ideas that can do at home to celebrate Earth Day, every day:
- Change up your commute: consider walking or cycling to your destination.
- Lend a helping hand: gather some friends and start a community clean-up in your neighbourhood.
- Get gardening: plant a tree or a wildflower garden this Spring to attract pollinators.
- Conserve with care: take shorter showers to save water and turn off lights in empty rooms to conserve electricity.
Celebrating and appreciating the Earth doesn’t have to be a one day event; every little thing you do to help the planet makes a difference!
Get your hands dirty by planting a garden to celebrate Earth Day. © Kampus Production
Still looking for Earth-friendly activities?
Join us for Earth Days at the Manitoba Museum on April 20 and 21! Play “Planet vs Plastics”, a fun and educational board game led by our Youth Climate Alliance; check out our special planetarium shows: Atlas of a Changing Earth and We Are Guardians; explore the Museum Galleries on an Earth Days scavenger hunt; and stop by the Earth Day reflection Wall to ask yourself: What action will I take to keep our environment healthy?
Learn how we can protect our Earth together. © Manitoba Museum
Ask yourself “How do I want to see the future unfold?” at the Earth Day Reflection Wall. © Manitoba Museum
Find solutions to keep our waterways healthy in the Science Gallery. © Manitoba Museum/Rejean Brandt