Important Information:

What is the Youth Climate Alliance?
The Youth Climate Alliance is a group of grade 9-12 students who will work together to better understand climate change and its impacts. Through a series of workshops and training, the Youth Climate Alliance aims to host events “by and for” youth.
The goal of the Youth Climate Alliance is to give youth an avenue to pursue their climate change advocacies and have their voices heard.
This initiative is presented by the Manitoba Museum in partnership with GenAction, a project funded by the Government of Canada’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund that aims to empower youth to take action on climate change and inspire them to become leaders in their community.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Youth who live in Winnipeg and are between the ages 14-18 (grade 9-12).
- Youth who are passionate about their environment.
- Youth who are committed to combat climate change.
- Youth who are happy to be working as part of a team.
How long will the program be?
The Winter 2024 cohort of the program will run from late January to late April 2024. Members of the Youth Climate Alliance can expect to attend bi-weekly meetings in hybrid form starting in late January. These mandatory meetings will alternate between being in-person and over Microsoft Teams. The first meeting will commence on Wednesday, January 24 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Manitoba Museum (190 Rupert Avenue).

There are two sections to this application. The first section are general questions about you, and the second includes more detailed questions. You may answer these by completing the form, or by sending a link to an audio recording or video recording, except for the fourth question where all applicants must submit a video recording.
Please fill out and submit your application by Friday, January 19 at 11:59 PM (CST). You can find more details about the program here.
Do you have any questions regarding the application? Email us at
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