QR Code For Aschkibokahn Mini-Diorama

QR Code For Aschkibokahn Mini-Diorama

By University of Winnipeg student Kristina Misurska


Welcome back, everybody! This week Kristina’s post is a quick look at some of the behind-the-scenes planning that she’s been doing for her project:

As I mentioned in my last post, the goal of my project is to look at ways of linking the Aschkibokahn archaeological site and diorama with the present-day community of Duck Bay. The work I did this week involved looking at how to best integrate our research materials into the existing exhibit.

Two individuals each holding cell phones standing in front of the Aschkibokahn diorama in the Manitoba Museum's Lower Parklands Gallery.

One of the ideas we have come up with is to set up a QR code that links to a webpage with supplementary information about Duck Bay. Some of the materials we are hoping to share on this page include a poem written by Melba Sanoffsky, who grew up in Duck Bay, as well as photographs of the community through the years.

Before we can go any further we have to do something practical: ensure that smart phones are able to get reception in the exhibit area.  To check this, I visited the gallery with one of the curators. We have different service providers and we wanted to make sure we both had a signal and reception. We pulled out our phones, and success! Now we know it is possible to use QR codes in the exhibit area. The next steps will be to look at the materials we have at the museum, and to decide what else we would like to include in our web display.


Image: Kristina with Amelia Fay, Curator of the Hudson’s Bay Collection, checking web access at the Aschkibokahn mini-diorama.

At this point, the web page/QR code is just a concept. I will keep you informed as to what we actually come up with. Stop by the blog next week to see where I’m at with my project, and don’t forget to visit the new diorama!