By Kevin Brownlee
Past Curator of Archaeology

Today’s post is a bit of a stretch for the theme public archaeology in the news, since media did not pick up on our recent work. The project most deserving of media attention would be the teaching resources recently released for the book Pīsim Finds her Miskanow.
Educational resources now available for Pīsim Finds her Miskanow, a nationally awarded publication. The centre for research in young people’s texts and cultures (CRYTC) at the University of Winnipeg has released an 80 page teachers guide available for download on their website. The guide is written for Grade 5 in the Manitoba curriculum. You can also listen to two of the songs from the book, the Paddling Song and the Lullaby.
Image: Highly illustrated book brings Rocky Cree history to life, now easier to use in the classroom.