Step into the completely renewed Welcome Gallery. See the first of the Manitoba Museum’s many world-renowned dioramas, a Métis hunter on horseback with a herd of bison. This diorama dramatically introduces an important theme of the Museum: the interrelationship of human beings and the natural environment.
Contemplate the exhibit of the history of Treaties acknowledging the promises made at the time of Treaties, and demonstrating the Museum’s commitment to acknowledging the past in the present, and to active engagement with Indigenous communities.
Explore an engaging animated map detailing Manitoba’s landscapes, showing the dramatic changes of the last 18,000 years.
Discover a display case of iconic artifacts and specimens representing the Museum’s eight galleries. This case offers a preview of the visitor’s journey in the Museum, through time, and from Manitoba’s north to south.
Enjoy the Discovery Room that presents temporary exhibitions inspired by Museum collections, community collaborations, and programs.
Discovery Room

This exhibition was produced with the Southern Chiefs’ Organization.
Manidoo Miiniigooizowin, A Gift from the Creator: This exhibit celebrates the beauty and resilience of the Anishinaabe and Dakota peoples, and commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Southern Chiefs’ Organization (SCO). Featuring objects from the 34 Nations represented by SCO, Manidoo Miiniigooizowin, A Gift from the Creator is a celebration of the past, present, and future.
This exhibit will be on display in the Discovery Room & Welcome Gallery at the Manitoba Museum until April 2025.